Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein were two fabulously rich guys in Palm Beach, Florida. But that’s where the similarities end.
They were not friends. Trump barred him from Mar-a-Lago.
And when Palm Beach police first investigated Epstein, Trump was the only famous name to help police in their inquiries.
Now, evidence has arisen that suggests Jeffrey Epstein was offered by the DOJ a ‘sweetheart plea deal’ if he could provide ‘incriminating information’ that would lead to President Trump’s impeachment.
The revelation was made by Epstein former cellmate.

Former cop and convicted killer Nicholas Tartaglione shared a cell with Epstein at the Manhattan MCC weeks before his death in August 2019.
Tartaglione, in a call with with Jessica Reed Kraus, said the King of Pedophiles told him about the proposal after one meeting with the feds.
New York Post reported:
“[Epstein] said [to Tartaglione ‘They told me they’d let me plead out something small, and I’ll do just a couple of years in a camp, if I can give them something on Trump to get him impeached. […] The government told me I don’t have to prove what I say about Trump, as long as Trump’s people can’t disprove it’, Tartaglione said — adding that Epstein considered ‘making stuff up’ to save his skin. Tartaglione never said what Epstein ultimately planned to do.”

Tartaglione has been convicted of murdering four people, and sentenced last year to four consecutive life sentences.
On July 23, 2019, Epstein was found with neck bruise marks. He told his lawyers that Tartaglione ‘roughed him up’, which he denies.
“Epstein was removed from Tartaglione’s cell and put on suicide watch. He killed himself three weeks later on Aug. 10 — though questions over the possibility of foul play remain. While he was supposed to be placed with a new cellmate, Epstein was alone, according to a report from the Department of Justice Inspector General.”
Tartaglione allegedly heard from Epstein that he knew Trump ‘only socially’ and they were not friendly.

Trump threw Epstein out of a party at Mar-a-Lago for flirting with ‘young women’.
“I [Tartaglione] said, ‘Well, do you know Trump?’” Tartaglione claimed in the phone call. “He says, ‘Well, you know, I know him. I met him, but we don’t like each other.’ I laughed. I said, ‘Why?’ He said, ‘Trump threw me out of a party at his place in Florida.’ “I said, ‘Why [did] he throw you out? He said, ‘Oh he got mad, I was talking to some girl.’ And I said, ‘How old was the girl, Jeff?’ And he says, ‘Oh about 18, 19.’ So, I was a cop. I said, ‘Jeff, that means probably 14, 15.’ And he says, ‘Well he threw me out. I haven’t talked to him since’.”
Tartaglione said Epstein admitted, ‘I don’t know anything’ about Trump.
Lawyer Alan Dershowitz:
“Anything is possible when it comes to high-profile cases like this. They are career makers. It could have originated at some point lower than the US attorney or one of the middle ranking officials at the Southern District of New York or the FBI. They are always looking to make cases.”
Read more:
LOST KINGDOM: British PM Starmer Chooses Lord Peter Mandelson, Who Was Jeffrey Epstein Acquaintance, as New US Ambassador
The post Jeffrey Epstein’s Cellmate Alleges Late Pedophile Was Offered ‘Sweetheart Plea Deal’ if He Gave Incriminating Information To Impeach Trump – But He Had Nothing on Him! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.