A statewide grand jury has concluded its investigation into COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers, determining that there was no indictable criminal activity.
This decision comes as a bitter pill for countless families who have suffered from vaccine injuries and adverse effects—an outcome many see as another example of Big Pharma’s iron grip on the system.
In December 2022, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) called on a statewide grand jury to investigate COVID vaccine-related injuries.
“I’m announcing a petition with the Supreme Court of Florida to impanel a statewide grand jury to investigate any and all wrongdoing in Florida with respect to Covid vaccines,” DeSantis said during a Covid vaccine accountability roundtable.
“We anticipate that we will get the approval for that, that will be something that will be impaneled most likely in the Tampa Bay area and that will come with legal processes that will be able to get more information and to bring legal accountability for those who committed misconduct,” DeSantis added.
A week later, the Florida Supreme Court approved Gov. DeSantis’ request to impanel a grand jury to investigate COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers.
“A statewide grand jury shall be promptly impaneled for a term of twelve calendar months, to run from the date of impanelment, with jurisdiction throughout the State of Florida, to investigate crime, return indictments, make presentments, and otherwise perform all functions of a grand jury with regard to the offenses stated herein,” the order read.
Last year, the statewide grand jury, usually comprised of 18 people and selected through a random process akin to that of any legal jury, published an interim report.
Read more:
Florida Grand Jury Releases Interim Report on COVID-19 Response Including COVID Vaccines, Says Response May Have Caused More Harm Than Good
Now on Tuesday, the Twenty-Second Statewide Grand Jury has concluded its investigation into COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers, finding “no evidence of criminal activity.”
Gov. Ron DeSantis released the following statement on Tuesday:
“This morning, the Twenty-Second Statewide Grand Jury released its final report. This Grand Jury was tasked with investigating vaccine manufacturers and their production process for vaccines following the COVID-19 pandemic.
While we are still reading through the report and its recommendations, it details that, through deception and taking “advantage of scientific journal infrastructure” to hide adverse events from the public, Big Pharma engaged in a “pattern of deceptive and obfuscatory behavior.” Big Pharma brought in billions of dollars in profit, and the federal government amplified bogus “studies,” all while suppressing any opposition that went against their preferred narrative. Instead of federal agencies acting as a backstop to bad incentives, they worked closely with Big Pharma as they cut corners, even becoming unpaid advertisers on their behalf.
The Grand Jury also details the frustrations of many, stating, “these sponsors have taken in billions of taxpayer dollars for creating and selling their vaccines; they cannot be sued if something goes wrong with them; they have access to critical information about deaths related to a side effect of their products; and the public does not have access to that information.”
The Grand Jury has made a number of recommendations that should be followed. The status quo cannot continue. The American people deserve transparency on how Big Pharma is using their federal tax dollars, and they deserve regulating entities that operate as watchdogs, not cheerleaders.”
This morning, the Twenty-Second Statewide Grand Jury released its final report. This Grand Jury was tasked with investigating vaccine manufacturers and their production process for vaccines following the COVID-19 pandemic.
While we are still reading through the report and its…
— Ron DeSantis (@GovRonDeSantis) January 7, 2025
The report, spanning over 140 pages, outlines a litany of regulatory shortcuts, compromised safety standards, and conflicts of interest, yet it stops short of recommending any criminal indictments.
Despite uncovering instances of delayed disclosure of adverse events, manipulated safety data, and an alarming lack of transparency, the jury deemed these actions insufficient for criminal prosecution.
The grand jury wrote in its final report:
“While we did not find criminal activity, we did find a pattern of deceptive and obfuscatory behavior on the part of sponsors and regulators that often straddled the line between ethical and unethical conduct.
More importantly, however, not finding any indictable criminal activity does not mean we did not find any problems.
On the contrary, there are profound and serious issues involving the process of vaccine development and safety surveillance in the United States. Some of those are acute, COVID-19-era problems that are unlikely to occur outside the context of another once-in-a hundred-year pandemic. Others, however, are systemic; they will occur over and over until someone fixes them.
Unfortunately, all these complications have something in common: They involve multinational corporations and federal regulators. The ability of sovereign states like Florida to resolve these issues or even influence these entities directly may be limited. This Grand Jury finds itself in the awkward position of advocating for a series of changes to a group of private and public entities who did not ask for them and are unlikely to be particularly interested in adopting them. Still, we feel compelled to point to what we have seen, if only to make the general public aware of the extent to which the massive systems upon which we depend for our health and welfare has failed to serve their interests.
Regarding the clinical trials and pharmacovigilance of MRNA-1273and BNT162b2, it was genuinely striking to us just how many of the problems we found occurred at either the direction or acquiescence of the FDA, CDC and other federal regulators.
Nearly every time we found an issue with MRNA-1273 or BNT162b2, the fingerprints of these agencies were all over the scene, advising that the flagship and surrogate clinical trials be performed in specific ways, authorizing dose after dose and formulation after formulation based on out-of-date immunogenicity comparisons and observational results, and even running interference for sponsors by misleading the American public about validated safety signals.
These regulatory issues are magnified in the context of vaccines, where consumers have effectively zero ability to hold manufacturers legally responsible for their injuries.
Federal injury compensation systems like the ClCP only allow limited recovery, while simultaneously protecting sponsors from the discovery process one would normally use to prove negligence and causation in liability claims involving any other product. Even in cases where compensation is awarded, it is the American taxpayer, not the sponsor, who must pay the claim.
We understand that there is a desire on the part of the government to incentivize innovation in vaccine research and development, but the level of legal protection afforded to sponsors goes far beyond what is necessary to accomplish that goal, prioritizing development at the expense of public safety. We do not believe this system of legal protection is whole without merit, but we also do not believe that the current incentives are structured to maximize the benefit to the consumer so much as they are structured to maximize the benefit to the sponsor.”
While the report stops short of declaring explicit criminal wrongdoing, it offers a roadmap for reform, emphasizing the need for greater transparency in clinical trials and stricter enforcement of postmarketing commitments.
You can read the rest of the report below:
The post NO CRIMINAL INDICTMENTS: Florida Grand Jury Finds No Evidence of Criminal Activity by COVID-19 Vaccine Manufacturers appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.